Signs don’t vote – that is the classic political catch-all phrase intended to awaken politicians to the understanding that it is people who vote.
Obviously, Mayor Carlo DeMaria’s substantial sign holding visibility held in the square last week was a huge success, with hundreds of his supporters turning out for what was without question the biggest event of its kind so far during this heated election year.
DeMaria faces longtime Everett councilman Peter Napolitano.
It is a mayoral battle featuring DeMaria, who we might liken to the ancient biblical figure Goliath versus Napolitano, who is David.
David of course slew Goliath but in this election that type of outcome for Napolitano will be difficult to come by.
DeMaria remains very popular coming into this election season.
He is not only popular here but has made his mark with the local delegation as well as the governor, who has tended to be kind to the city during the downturn in the ecnomy.
DeMaria’s political war chest is substantial. His ability to raise money from supporters far exceeds that of Napolitano.
Although signs don’t vote, the recent visibility in the square for DeMaria connoted a very strong candidate not even near to his prime during this election cycle.
An August sign holding of that magnitude shows deep strength, the kind a mayoral incumbent needs in order to perpetuate himself in office.
The contest this year also offers two very different type personalities.
DeMaria is very outgoing while Napolitano is somewhat more reserved.
DeMaria controls large numbers of votes throughout the city.
Napolitano is vying for those same voters.