Tuesday, March 8
Darwin DeLeon, 24, 33 Newton St., Everett, was arrested for failure to stop for police and operating motor vehicle with revoked license.
Joao Martins, 47, 1507 Pleasant St., Fall River, was arrested for operating motor vehicle with revoked license, operating unregistered vehicle, uninsured vehicle.
Elenilson Souza, 30, 8 Dyer Ave., Everett, was arrested for domestic assault and battery, violation of protective order.
Wednesday, March 2
Gregory Neider, 29, 4339 Trevi Ct., Lakeworth, FL, was arrested on a warrant.
Steven Porix, 20, 85 Chestnut Ave., Jamaica Plain, was arrested for receiving and buying stolen property, resisting arrest, failure to stop for police, operating motor vehicle with suspended license and on multiple warrants.
Shauna Silva, 24, 12 Woodland St., Everett, was arrested for domestic assault and battery.
William Sperlinga, 44, 117 Lafayette St., Salem, was arrested for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
Michael Talluto, 29, 30 Rich St., Malden, was arrested for receiving/buying stolen property.
Thursday, March 10
Carshana Graham, 23, 94 Wells Ave., Dorchester, was arrested for uttering false travelers checks.
John Laudanno, 34, 52 Duncan Rd., Everett, was arrested for failure to stop for police, not in possession of license, and on warrants.
Rudy Martinez, 24, 23 Russell St., Everett, was arrested for being a disorderly person, resisting arrest and assault with a dangerous weapon.
Bernard Solomon, 25, 139 Broadway St., Everett, was arrested for utter false travelers checks, suspended license, and multiple warrants.
Friday, march 11
Carl Brown, 35, 451 Norfolk St., Dorchester, was arrested on a warrant.
Joseph James, 48, 51 Chelsea St., East Boston, was arrested on a warrant and breaking and entering daytime with intent to commit a crime.
Ann Labone, 49, 19 ½ John St., Chelsea, was arrested for breaking and entering daytime with intent to commit a crime.
Victoria Rodriguez, 18, 114 Poplar St., Chelsea, was arrested for larceny of property over $250.
Saturday, March 12
Ariel Melendes, 33, 88 Hawthorne St., Chelsea, was arrested for default warrants, and malicious destruction of property over $250.
Ulisses Ramalho, 30, 45 Division St., Chelsea, was arrested for operating under the influence of liquor, operating motor vehicle un licensed, uninsured motor vehicle, operating motor vehicle with suspended/revoked registration.
Sunday, March 13
Anderson Pereira, 31, 8 Chester Ave., Somerville, was arrested for domestic assault and battery and resisting arrest.
Scott Still, 42, 140 Florence St., Everett, was arrested on a warrant.