The Everett High girls track team turned in a number of fine performances in their meet last week against Cambridge.
Maeve Kernan once again was a double winner for the Lady Crimson Tide with dual victories in the two mile in 13:03, a personal record that also is the best in the GBL this season, and in the mile in 6:21.
Katie Steeves was another double winner, speeding to a first in the 200 in 29.4 and jumping 13-10 in the long jump. Sashae Walls captured first place in the 400 intermediate hurdles in 1:17.6 and in the high jump with a personal record (PR) leap of 4-8.
Delmis Urquiza took first in the 800 meter run with a PR clocking of 2:45.9.
Both relay teams also turned in winning efforts. The foursome of Steeves, Guerdie Valmont, Walls, and Serena Welch-Shull took first in the 4 x 100 relay in 55.4, a time that qualifies them for the State Meet. The 4 x 400 quartet of Kiara Alston, Urquiza, Sarah Fischer, and Ducylia Johnson won in a time of 5:39.
A second place finish was accomplished by Daryl Colson in the 100 high hurdles in 24.8, a race in which Daryl fell and suffered an ankle injury, but still managed to get up off the track and bring home the second place points Daryl then competed in the discus despite her bad ankle and took second with a throw of 79-5.
Valmont took second in the long jump with a landing of 12-7.5; Franklyne Paul hopped, skipped, and jumped to second in the triple jump with a distance of 24-6; and Jessica Mangan grabbed second in the mile in 7:00.
Third place points were added by Valmont in the 100 dash in 14.5; Bebhinn Kernan with a javelin toss of 45-6; and Welch-Shull in the 200 in 30.5.
In the State Relay Meet on Saturday, the quartet of Steeves, Welch-Shull, Urquiza, and Walls ran the best time of the season for an EHS 4 x 400 relay team with a time of 4:40.88.
In the 400-200-200-800 sprint medley, Walls, Steeves, Welch-Shull, and Urquiza finished in 4:52.
Coach Shelanda Irish’s Lady Crimson Tide will compete in the GBL Meet today (Wednesday) at Dilboy Field in Somerville.