The high commercial tax rate is causing a negative impact to many businesses throughout the city and especially in the downtown area. Coupled with the downturn in the economy, the commercial tax rate, which now stands at $37 per $1,000…
Category: News
Councilors explore new tax levy
Everett City Councilors Lou Sierra and Adam Ragucci are not going to let things rest at Monday night’s meeting. Both councilors have issues in their wards. “We are closing in on a year now and nothing has been done,” Sierra…
First LNG delivery from Yemen arrives inside Boston Harbor
The Maran Gas Coronis, the LNG tanker carrying liquefied natural gas from Yemen to New England came into Boston Harbor on the low tide without incident early Tuesday morning and docked at the Distrigas Terminal in Everett. Despite protests from…
School committee concerned with absentee ballot process
The Everett School Committee has asked Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin for a review of the absentee ballot process in the city of Everett. This is not breaking news. The School Committee earlier had made the initial request following…
Aldermen seeking answers on tax rate
Taxes. Whether you are talking commercial or residential that is the word that everyone is talking about in Everett. And it is no wonder that the Board of Aldermen had two items on their agenda on Monday night about both…
Senate election efforts getting underway
The special senate election race to fill the unexpired term left by former Senator Anthony Galluccio is marking its busiest week in Everett, where two of the candidates for the seat, Common Councilor and former Galluccio chief of staff Sal…
Parlin School construction almost to completion
The ongoing construction project at the Parlin School is nearing completion, according to School Department official Joe Pedulla, who reported on the progress of the project at last week’s School Committee meeting. Extensive repairs and additions to existing systems as…
Mayor calls Washington for help along Island End
While maintaining his confidence in the US Coast Guard, State Police and Everett’s own Police and Fire personnel, Mayor Carlo DeMaria Jr. called upon Senator John Kerry and Representative Edward Markey in Washington D.C. to help his latest effort, ensuring…
Commercial real estate tax rate hurting building owners
The Board of Alderman tackled the commercial tax rate Monday night at city hall, demanding that the city give relief to commercial property owners negatively affected by the state’s second highest commercial property tax. At $37 per $1,000 of value,…
Everett moves closer to $65-$70M development
“This notice of intent is full of details the way that all reports should be done,” Jon Norton, Chairman of the Everett Conservation Commission said before the Commission voted unanimously to issue the Order of Condition to Berkeley Green II…