Upcoming Events at Everett Public Libraries

Parlin Adult and Teens

Parlin Book Group, Parlin Meeting Room, and Zoom. Monday, Novem­ber 25th at 6pm. 18+. Jodi Picoult’s Mad Honey is a novel of suspense, a love story, an exploration of the secrets we keep and the risks we take in order to become ourselves. Call Kathleen at (617) 394 2300, or send an email to [email protected], for the Zoom link, or join us in person!

Yarn Club Parlin Fire­place Room. Tuesday, November 26th at 7pm. Come chit chat and stitch! Bring your crocheting, knitting, or any other yarn craft and sit and socialize with other members of the crafting community. Rec­ommended for ages 14- 109!

Resume Writing, Parlin Information Desk. Do you need help sprucing up an old resume or creating a new one? Sign up for a thirty minute session at the Parlin. By appointment only. To register, please call or send email to Kath­leen, 617-394-2300 or [email protected]

Computer Basics 101, Parlin Information Desk. Not familiar with the com­puter? Learn the basics: how to start up and shut down a computer, perform mouse and keyboard func­tions, use applications, learn Microsoft Word, navigate the Internet, set up an email account, and more! By appointment only. To register, please call or send email to Kath­leen, 617-394-2300 or [email protected].

Parlin Childrens

**Stop by the circu­lation desk in the Parlin Library Children’s Room November 1st through November 26th to leave a note in our Thankful Thoughts Jar . We will gather on November 27th at noon to share all of our thankful thoughts together over refreshments.

Lego Club. Parlin Chil­dren’s Room. Monday, November 25th from 3-5pm. Come to the Chil­dren’s Room after school on Mondays for some free-building lego fun. Open to all ages. Children under 6 years old must be accompanied by an adult. No registration required.

Storytime and Sin­galong with Karen, Parlin Children’s Room. Wednesday, November 27th at 11am. Join us for a fun-filled morning of sing­ing and storytelling with Karen! Suggested ages 0-6.

Friendsgiving at the Library! Parlin Meet­ing Room, Wednesday, November 27th at noon. Please join children’s li­brarian Mrs. McAuliffe and other members of our amazing team at the Ev­erett Public Libraries for an hour of silly games, yummy snacks and joyful stories of gratitude. Re­freshments will be provid­ed courtesy of the Friends of the Everett Public Li­braries. **Stop by the circulation desk in the Parlin Library Children’s Room November 1st through November 26th to leave a note in our Thank­ful Thoughts Jar . We will gather today, November 27th at noon to share all of our thankful thoughts to­gether over refreshments.

Shute Adult and Teens

Resume Writing, Shute Adult Department. Book a one-on-one resume as­sistance appointment at the Shute Library and let a librarian help you craft a resume tailored to your strengths and aspirations. Sign up for a thirty minute session at both the Shute Library. By appointment only. Please email shutein­[email protected] or call 617-394-2308.

Computer Basics 101, Shute Adult Department. Tech Newbie? No Prob­lem! Learn to power up, click around, type like a pro, explore the digital world, and even send your first email. Book your Fri­day adventure with tech­nology today! By appoint­ment only. Please email [email protected] or call 617-394-2308.

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