Local Students Earn Academic Honors

Malden Catholic Students From Everett Achieve Honor Roll – Second and Third Quarter

Malden Catholic students have completed the coursework required for the second and third quarter of the 2023-2024 school year. The school has three categories for outstanding academic performance honors: President’s List (90 – 100 in all classes), First Honors (85 to 89 in all classes), and Second Honors (80 to 84 in all classes).

Malden Catholic Honors – QUARTER TWO 2024

President’s List (90 to 100 in all classes) 

Kendall Belloise

Isabella Bennett

Giavana Bono

Tiffany Braga

Paula Castillo 

Morissa Cefalo

Nam Dinh

Thao Vi Dinh

Jason Harr

Markus Noel 

Isabella Pizziferri

Aaden Rodrigues

Santiago Rojas

First Honors (85 to 89 in all classes) 

Collin Belloise

Jordan Demetrio

Sophia Ingrando

Kristen Marchant

Lisbeth Monteagudo

Adriana Osoy Segovia

David Ruane

Gwendolyn Vaughn

Second Honors (80 to 84 in all classes) 

David Beauvoir

Gael Cerrillo Goncalves

Sophia Clarke

Alexandra DeMaria

Weihang Ding

Gabriel Fernandes

Maya Fu

Jacob Gisetto

Jianyi Guo

Kayeesha Lamothe

Michaela Marchant

Gianluca Pasquale

Phillip Thompson

Katelande Valcin

Lily Van Campen

Zachary Woods

Malden Catholic Honors – QUARTER THREE 2024

President’s List (90 to 100 in all classes) 

Isabella Bennett

Tiffany Braga

Jordan Demetrio

Thao Vi Dinh

Jason Harr

Markus Noel

Aaden Rodrigues

Santiago Rojas

Katelande Valcin

First Honors (85 to 89 in all classes) 

Kendall Belloise

Giavana Bono

Paula Castillo 

Weihang Ding

Nam Dinh

Gabriel Fernandes

Balbino Flores

Michaela Marchant

Lisbeth Monteagudo   

Gianluca Pasquale 

Isabella Pizziferri

Gwendolyn Vaughn

Zachary Woods

Second Honors (80 to 84 in all classes) 

David Beauvoir

Collin Belloise

Morrusa Cefalo

Gael Cerrillo Goncalves

Aidan Clarke 

Maya Fu       

Jacob Gisetto 

Bradley Jacques

Kayeesha Lamothe

Marjory Lever

Adriana Osoy Segovia

Yeidalise Perez

David Ruane 

Phillip Thompson

Lily Van Campen

Since 1932, Malden Catholic High School has shaped emerging leaders in our community, claiming a Nobel Laureate, a Senator, two ambassadors and countless community and business heads among its alumni. Annually, graduates attend some of the nation’s most renown universities including Harvard, Dartmouth, Georgetown, Brown, Cornell, Tufts, Duke, Georgia Tech, Boston College, Northeastern, Boston University and Amherst College. Foundational to student success is Malden Catholic’s codivisional model which offers the best of both worlds, single-gender academics during the day and integrated social and extracurricular opportunities after school. Malden Catholic is known in the community for its rigorous academics, SFX Scholars Program and award-winning STEM program (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) with electives such as Robotics and Engineering Design. Malden Catholic curricula is designed to improve individual growth mindset, leadership principles and success outcomes along with integrating the Xaverian values of trust, humility, compassion, simplicity and zeal. https://www.maldencatholic.org.

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