Lack of attendance by four members of the City Council caused a postponement of action on several ordinances including the new ordinance on a plastic bag ban at Monday night’s meeting.
Other orders that needed to be delayed included an order to raise and appropriate $2,815 for ECTV and an order to raise and appropriate $686.015 for the general fund. A vital Zoning Ordinance change for the lower Broadway district also was caught up in the delay.
The issue of holding councillors accountable for missed meetings was discussed in an order proposed by Councillor Stephanie Martins.
However, Ward 5 Councillor Rosa DiFlorio opposed the motion.
“I am against this,” said DiFlorio. “We should let voters make the decision.”
Councillors John F. Hanlon and Anthony DiPierro also were also against the motion, with Hanlon saying, “There has never been a need for an ordinance like this in 100 years.” The motion was referred back to the sponsor.
A motion to delete the controversial longevity and bonus pay for the office of mayor also was referred back to the sponsor, Ward 1 Councillor Fred Capone, who has tested positive for COVID 19 and was unable to attend the meeting. Further complicating the motion was that there was no recommendation from the sub-committee.
DiPierro, speaking on the motion, said that the commendation pay “rewards the individual. There are longevity rewards in a city like Revere, for example. We have three and half years to act on this.”
Councilor Jimmy Tri Le said, “We should lay this on the table until (Councilor) Capone comes back.”
On the other hand, Councilor Michael Marchese thought waiting four years to redo the ordinance “is absurd.”
(See Op-Ed on Page 4.)
National Grid was granted permission to lay new gas pipes under the sidewalks on the northeast side of Hancock Street between Highland Avenue and Belmont Street.
DiFlorio voiced a warning that “the sidewalks should be returned to the City in ‘as is’ condition.” She also said that baiting of the neighborhood for rodents should be part of the condition.
The pipes will be laid out in the coming weeks and then asphalt will be used to make the sidewalks passable until the spring, at which time all of the concrete panels will be replaced in full, according to the spokesperson from National Grid.
In another motion, councillors approved the following equipment as surplus and to be sold off: That the Everett City Council hereby declares the following DPW vehicles as surplus 2009 Freightliner – 6 Wheel Dump Truck Needs a new engine, wiring harness and has electrical issues. Estimated cost over $20,000 to fix. Body is rotting. 2005 International – 6 Wheel Dump Truck needs new brakes. H as electrical issues and body is rotting. Estimated cost of repairs is $15,000 or more. 2005. International 6 Wheel Dump Truck needs a new motor, has electrical issues and body is rotting. Estimated cost of repairs is over. $20,000. 2010 Komatsu Backhoe has fuel issues, hydraulic issues, needs a new motor, and has electrical issues. Does not meet current DOT safety standards and will not pass an inspection. 2009 Ford F-250-4WD pick up needs repairs to turbos, injectors, front end ball joints and U-Joints, Motor currently leaks and needs to be replaced. Damage to the body. 2009 Ford F-250-4WD Pick Up needs a brand new motor, damage to body and a new computer. 2002 Jeep Liberty – needs a new engine. Estimated cost far exceeds value. 2007 Chevy Pick-up Truck needs a new rear axle and full transmission rebuild. 2013 Ford Taurus needs a new engine. Estimated cost of repair exceeds value. 2000 Chevy Astro School Vehicle – front end damage, body rust. Age of vehicle and estimated cost of repairs is not feasible. 2005 Ford Explorer needs a new transmission 2002 Chevy Tahoe – multiple issues, including engine and transmission replacement. Rust and body damage. Scrap value. 1999 Chevy Rack Body Truck – Multiple issues including no steering column, engine, rotted out body. Scrap value.