The CHA Everett hospital in Everett received the first shipments of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID19 vaccine on Thursday, Dec. 17, and began vaccinating workers at the hospital on Saturday.
The CHA Everett has been one of the major front-line hospitals in the fight against COVID-19 since last spring, with it being right in the middle of three high-risk communities like Everett, Chelsea and Revere. Workers in the Emergency Department and the ICU have been caring and coordinating care for patients over the last several months with no vaccine protection, so the arrival of the first of two shots was an historic occasion. The first two at the hospital vaccinated simultaneously on Saturday included Physician assistant Gaylen McCann of the Department of Surgery, and Critical Care Nurse Carla Cerrato. CHA Everett plans to vaccinate hundreds of prioritized employees – mostly those dealing directly with COVID-19 patients – in a coordinated and organized effort over the next few months.