Senator Sal DiDomenico recently served as speaker on a virtual Mission: Readiness panel discussion to talk about COVID-19’s impact on early childhood education and child nutrition in Massachusetts. DiDomenico joined with retired Generals Jack Hammond and Mike Hall, Amy O’Leary of Early Education for All, and the National Director of Mission: Readiness, Ben Goodman. Mission: Readiness is a group of 750 retired admirals, generals, and other top military leaders who work to champion evidence-based, bipartisan state and federal public policy solutions that are proven to prepare youth for life and to be able to serve their nation in any way that they choose.
Senator DiDomenico kicked off the panel by sharing his perspective on early childhood challenges in Massachusetts and the growing childhood hunger epidemic due to the economic fallout from COVID-19. DiDomenico has been a longtime champion of both early education and food security policies in the Massachusetts Senate and provided insight into how the pandemic has weakened the early education sector, exacerbating challenges for Massachusetts kids and their families. In his comments, he emphasized that child care is not babysitting, but a crucial way to ensure children are prepared for future success. Senator DiDomenico also provided insight to the participants and listeners on how they can work with their elected officials and representatives to urge actionable steps that preserve and strengthen early childhood programs.