By Michael McLaughlin
I would like to set the matter straight on my voting record on the following issues:
On Affordable Housing at Pope John Site
I voted against the taking of a “Friendly Eminent Domain..” I voted against “the sale,” due to the lack of information that was provided to the Council. I did not vote against affordable housing for our veterans and senior citizens; they well deserve and have earned this property to be called their new home.
I proudly voted for the $10.5 million dollars to purchase the property and deliver it to our community for affordable housing for our seniors and veterans. Again, this is a fact.
On Capitol Improvements for Streets and Sidewalks
.I voted for the $3 million improvement plan at the last City Council meeting.
I voted against the bus lane on Broadway. I voted against this for two reasons. First, the local small businesses reached out to me asking for my help because they were concerned about the ‘no parking’ restrictions drastically hurting their business. Secondly, I voted against this because our residential neighborhoods would become a parking haven due to the loss of parking from the bus only lane. I wanted to have a 24 hour residential parking sticker program so our residents would be able to park in their own neighborhoods. My first and main priority before passing the bus lane was to the residents. I wanted to talk about the pros and cons of this program. I was neither for or against it. I just wanted to study the issues that may have come from it.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you are voting by mail, vote early in-person through August 28, or in-person on September 1.
We have an opportunity to send a message that Everett needs and deserves a state representative who will get results for Everett, not just piggyback rides. Please elect a proven independent leader who has shown up, listened and has gotten results for the people of Everett over the past seven years.
I respectfully ask for your support to make me your next State Representative.
Michael McLaughlin is a candidate for State Representative.