The Everett Public Schools have scheduled a Drive-Up Graduation ceremony for June 6, yet another frontier in an ever-changing educational landscape defined and limited by COVID-19.
Originally, Everett schools and may other neighboring districts thought the pandemic dangers would subside a bit before graduation season, but that has not happened. In Everett, they’ve turned to a drive-up graduation so students can be present, speakers can give speeches and photo boots and festivities accessible while staying in the car.
“To commemorate such an important milestone for our seniors, we are providing a drive-thru graduation event,” read an announcement from the schools. “To make this experience special for our students, we are providing photo booths and other festivities that graduates can enjoy, all while remaining in their cars.”
The event will be on Saturday, June 6, and will start at 11 a.m. in the Mystic Street parking lots across from Encore Boston Harbor. More details on the event will be coming in the weeks ahead.
Drive-thru graduation will be preceded by Senior Week, most of which will be virtual or non-contact, and will run from May 26-28.
The events include:
•Senior Salute Parade – Seniors decorate their front doors, yard areas or find other ways to show EPS pride. School and City leadership along with other partners will ride a designated route to honor seniors in Everett.
•Celebrate-A-Senior – Gifts from the Celebrate-A-Senior program will be delivered to seniors’ homes as a culmination of this campaign. These gifts are just a small token of our appreciation.
•Crimson Tide Spirit Day – Seniors send in favorite moments from athletics, clubs, theatre, friends, or snap a pic in Everett gear and flood social media using #CantstoptheTideEverett2020. The photos will be captured in a special digital video presentation.
•Senior Virtual Tributes – The schools will be streaming the Senior film, speeches from students and school/city officials, virtual banquets, virtual awards ceremonies and more.