I, Millie J. Cardello, of 27 Ferry St., Everett, am announcing my candidacy for election to the position of School Committee at Large
What is the School Committee’s responsibilty? To explain briefly, according to the Department of Education, the answer is “The School Committee has oversight and responsibility for the School Department, sets the direction in which the system must go and establishes criteria to determine if its goals and polices are being met.”
I started my venture into city politics in 1994 when I was elected to the School Committee. After serving six years on the School Committee, I ventured into a run for the Common Council where I served for six years. My next venture was to the Board of Alderman where I served for four years.
Currently I am serving on the School Committee having been humbly elected by the City Council and the School Committee to fill an open position of the School Committee at Large due to the untimely passing of the then-member Richard Baniewicz. It was bittersweet for me. Richard and his wife Linda had been friends of mine for more than 50 years, it was very emotional to think I would be now serving in his place.
I have worked diligently with my colleagues, administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, students, secretaries, cafeteria employees, custodians and city government, etc. to live up to the responsibilities of a School Committee member.
I enjoy being involved in my community and strive to be a good example. I enjoy living my life to help people in any way I can. That is who I am.
The reasons I want to be a voice for the people of Everett are: I was born here (at the Whidden Hospital); go to church here; went to school here, I graduated Everett High, Class of `68. After my tour of duty in the United States Air Force, I returned to Everett and resumed my life here. I raised my family here, I pay taxes here, I shop here, and I do all the things you do, so I get it.
My roots go very deep in Everett. My grandparents, my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins lived here, went to school here, owned property here, worked here and a lot of them still do. This is my home; this is your home. Everett is our hometown, and I am proud to be here.
I want to continue to serve you as your representative on the School Committee at Large. I want to be here to take your phone calls and emails, to listen to your concerns, problems and suggestions.
I want you to feel confident about raising your family in Everett. I want your children and grandchildren to live in a community that offers them a top-notch education, safe and clean parks, places to worship, restaurants, stores and shops where you can get what you need right here in within city limits.
Everett has always been a multi-cultural community and we continue to grow and appreciate the diversity in our great city.
In closing, I thank the community for all it has given me and I aspire to continue to give back to the community by serving you as your voice as your School Committee at Large elected official. In order to do that, I respectfully ask for your vote in the upcoming election on November 5.
I have been here for you and now I ask you to be there for me by voting for me, Millie J. Cardello, School Committee at Large. (4th name on the School Committee At Large section of the Ballot).
If you would like to show your support please drop by my campaign kickoff on Thursday, Oct. 24, 6-8 p.m. at the 8/10 Bar & Grill, 8-10 Norwood St. Feel free to contact me, call or email me any time. 781 354-4869 or [email protected].
I thank you, God bless you and God bless the City of Everett.