Housing Families is one of 100 local nonprofits to receive grants of $100,000 each through Cummings Foundation’s “$100k for 100” program. The Malden-based organization was chosen from a total of 597 applicants, during a competitive review process. Funding will help provide homeless, formerly homeless, and housing insecure children with therapeutic and educational services so they may heal from past trauma and experience lifelong success.
About Housing Families: Housing Families was founded in 1986 by community members concerned about the growing crisis of homelessness for families in Greater Boston. Since then, Housing Families has grown into one of the largest providers of family shelter in Massachusetts and has served over 4,000 families in its 30 year history. Currently HFI provides shelter to 100 homeless families each night; manages permanent housing for 70 families in Malden, Medford, Everett, Revere, Medford, and Chelsea; serves 112 young homeless children each week in its therapeutic after school GREAT Youth and Families Program; and prevents eviction and homelessness for over two hundred families each year through its Pro Bono Legal Services Program.
Housing Families’ central mission is to help families build the skills and understanding they need to make a successful transition into their own home, and to prevent any recurrence of homelessness. To learn more about Housing Families visit www.housingfamilies.org