The City of Everett and Everett Police Department, as a member of the Metro Mayors Community Safety Initiative (CSI), has received a $33,336 Shannon Grant award from the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS).
The Shannon CSI Grant Program incorporates the key elements of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Comprehensive Gang Model. Grant funding, oversight, and technical assistance supports regional and multi-disciplinary approaches to combat gang violence through coordinated prevention and intervention, law enforcement, prosecution, and reintegration programs.
“The Shannon Grant will help to provide additional resources to prevent gang influence, to intervene when gang activity occurs and to give better alternatives to kids than joining gangs,” states Mayor DeMaria “The grant will allow us to build upon different strategies that have been developed and to provide our officers with additional means of protecting and serving.”
Shannon Grant funds must be used in a manner consistent with the strategies and objectives outlined in the Metro Mayors CSI Shannon Grant application. Awarded funds can be used to supplement, but not supplant, any current youth violence prevention and anti-gang efforts.