Congratulations are in order for Senator Sal DiDomenico, who recently was named the 2017 Legislator of the Year by the Massachusetts Association of School Committees.
As vice chairman of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, Senator DiDomenico has been an ardent supporter of public education, particularly in his support of students in low-income areas who are prone to be overlooked by state officials.
Locally, Senator DiDomenico has secured funding not only for schools but also for such improvements in Everett as making Glendale Park compliant with the ADA; for a tot-lot at the Keverian School; increasing access to office-based opioid treatment; and for a youth case worker to combat youth violence. These are just a few of the examples of how Senator DiDomenico is working to secure state funds to benefit his constituents.
Among his colleagues, Senator DiDomenico is held in high esteem, as his name is being mentioned as the possible next Senate President if the Senate so decides in the coming months.
The residents of Everett and his district are indeed fortunate to have as their State Senator a man who cares about issues that so directly affect them.
Senator DiDomenico has become an expert on education — and this expertise is something that is surely needed at the State House in order for our public school system to work for all residents, both rich and poor.