The Commercial Triangle Plan meeting is set for March 2.
The Everett Planning and Community Development office has re-scheduled its first public meeting on the proposed Commercial Triangle Master Plan for Monday, March 2 at 6 p.m. at the Connolly Center on Chelsea Street.
The Commercial Triangle is the section of the city that is bordered by Revere Beach Parkway from the Gateway Center Development east to Everett Avenue in Chelsea, south along the Everett-Chelsea border to the commuter rail lines and then west back to the Gateway Center.
The purpose of the planning process, according to the city’s website is to “create an illustrative and action-oriented plan for the future redevelopment of the Commercial Triangle, including but not limited to land use zoning, streetscape/roadway network improvements, multi-modal transportation improvements, marketing opportunities, public infrastructure improvements, flood mitigation, and the creation of open space.”
The city’s website also points out that “in the north western portion of the district, a small, but stable residential area is still part of the neighborhood’s character,” and “due to the historic uses and industrial character of the Commercial Triangle, redevelopment of the area has been largely non-existent. The perceived and real environmental concerns of the area, as well as its lack of identity and quality infrastructure, make the commercial triangle a challenging neighborhood to encourage private investment that can capitalize on the area’s location within the larger metro region.”
Residents, particularly those who live in the Commercial Triangle or are adjacent to it, are encouraged to attend Monday’s meeting and become part of the process.