Categories: Editorials

Respect and Class

Frank Champi recently passed away.  I found out about it the morning of his funeral and rushed out of work to be there. Frank was the original director/investigator for Code Enforcement which was initiated by the Common Council I proudly served on in 2006. Frank was a great choice. Franks greatest quality, of which there was many, was his ability to give anyone he was speaking with 100% of his undivided attention. A quality sadly lacking in this day.

I thought about that quality, and the people I proudly served with at that time.  Some of who are still serving in office, and others who are serving the city as department heads or our State House delegation.  I thought about it as I  looked around the church and saw none of these people there.  With few exceptions, other than myself and one current and one former official, I didn’t see any one I recognized .  No current or former coworkers, some of whom he even hired, no one.

Sadly, I thought this isn’t the Everett I remember.  When I see Everett on the local news now there never seems to be a lack of officials, current or former (or former looking to be current again) available for camera time. Have we become a city that only shows up for events when there is a camera, microphone or reporter around?  I remember hearing after last months casino vote that “you won’t recognize Everett 10 years from now”.  Looking around the church I couldn’t help but think that I don’t recognize it now.

Frank did receive a moment of silence from the new Council.  Considering how Frank always treated everybody with respect and class I thought he deserved better.  Much better.

This time of year can be very hectic and stressful. It’s easy to forget what’s important……so don’t.

James Keane

Former Everett City Council 2006-2007

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