Thank you for your support
Dear Editor:
LATINOS UNIDOS EN MASSACHUSETTS (LUMA), want to thanks the residents and officials of Everett for their support in he 4th Multicultural Festival of Everett on Augusto 30. We wrapped up a full day of Entertainment based in one phrase “One Voice, One World” on Saturday, August 30th, at Sacramony Playground.
First of all we would like to thank God for giving us strength to make our projects come true. God, you are our motor.
We would like to thank all who participated in this year’s event:
All volunteers; your work during the festival is very valuable; we don’t have enough words to thank you.
To the artist; we want to thank you for sharing your wonderful talent and donating your time to participate in the 4th multicultural festival of Everett, it is always an honor to have you.
To the media, Thank you for believe in this festival and working together with us to make it happened.
To the City of Everett, the Mayor Carlo DeMaria for giving us the opportunity to give to the community a moment of happiness and share all our cultures that reside in Everett, with the only believes of UNITY.
Thanks to the Police Department of Everett, for keeping the event safe and making us feel secure.
Special Thanks to our sponsors, all media, Univision, Telemundo, El mundo News Paper, all radio Stations, and social media, because without your help, this event would not been possible.
And last, thank to all visitors for Contributing and honor us with your presence in the 4th Multicultural Festival of Everett.
Thank you again for your support and hope to see you in our Fifth on 30, 2015, .
Our Event will continue to support our local businesses, our local talents and have the opportunity to gather together to learn and enjoy our different cultures. Because “One Voice, One World.”
The LUMA Committee