This past Monday, May 26th, the City of Everett gathered at Glenwood Cemetery in observance of Memorial Day. Residents, City and State officials, and the Veterans community joined together to honor and remember those who served in our armed forces. Speakers at the service included Mayor Carlo DeMaria, Veterans Commissioner Joe Hickey, State Senator Sal DiDomenico State
Representative Wayne Matewsky, City Councilor Joseph McGonagle, Superintendent Frederick Foresteire, School Committee Chairman Allen Panarese, student speaker Elsbeth Colson, Bishop Robert Brown, and Reverend Tom Coots. The speakers addressed the audience and all expressed their gratitude and appreciation for the servicemen and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice
for our Country. In addition to the speaking portion, the Everett High School marching band also saluted the respective branches of the armed forces with rousing renditions of each branch’s military hymn, as well as the sole trumpet rendition of Taps to honor those we have lost as the Everett Honor Guard proudly stands in observance.