Monday, March 10 2014
Eric Norman, 23, 5 Parrot St., Lynn, was arrests for being a fugitive from justice.
Amedelia Polanco, 42, 73 Reed AV e., Everett, was arrested for two arrest warrants and larceny over $250.
Wednesday, March 12
Alec Keller, 19, 119 Cottage St., Everett, was arrested for receiving, buying, etc. stolen merchandise; possession of burglarious tools; and possession of a Class D substance with intent to distribute.
Ryan Leggett, 19, 217 Monument St., Haverhill, was arrested for receiving, buying etc. stolen merchandise.
Danielle Rosatone, 27, 131 Chestnut St., Everett, was arrested on two warrants.
Karen Ann Spencer, 49, 26 Edith Ave., Everett, was arrested for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and domestic assault and battery.
Thursday, M arch 13
Ryan Chambers, 21, 5 Hancock St., Everett, was arrested for domestic assault and battery and resisting arrest.
William Kuhn, 31, 7 Clinton Pl., Everett, was arrested for possession of a Class B substance with Intent to distribute.
Michael Spinelli, 45, 94 Winslow St., Everett, was arrested for an arrest warrant.
Friday, March 14
Cristiano Da Silva, 33, 568 Fowle St., Woburn, was arrested for unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle.
Emma Molina, 31, 25 Beacon St., Somerville, was arrested for larceny of property over $250.
Kevin Vaillancourt, 32, 113 Congress Ave., Chelsea, was arrested for two counts of larceny of property over $%250.
Saturday, March 15
Dean Crawford, 26, 22 Forest AVe., Everett, was arrested for unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle and failure to stop for a mechanical signal.
Elder Portillo, 29, 10 Shute St., Everett, was arrested for malicious destruction of property over $250 and assault and battrery with a dangerous weapon.
John Jean, 24, 43 Cottage St., Everett, was arrested for possession of a Class B substance with intent to distribute.
Carlos Ortez-Sommarriba, 31, 56 Marshfield St., Roxbury, was arrested for marked lane violation and operating under the I nfluence of liquor, second offense.
Christopher Rabideau, 35, 26 Faulkner St., Malden, was arrested for illegal possession of a Class B substance, revoked/suspended registration and uninsured motor vehicle.
Sunday, March 16
Hua Chen, 34, 400 Main St., Everett, was arrested for larceny of property over $250.
Joseil DaSilva, 32, 64 Ferry St., Everett, was arrested for unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle.
Tuesday, March 25
Rosemarcia Barbosa, 44, 50 Liberty St., Everett was arrested for malicious destruction of property over $250.
Wednesday, March 26
Aziz Nacer, 30, 93 Belmont St., Everett, was arrested for domestic assault and battery.
Phillip Namey, 24, 46 Bucknam St., Everett, was arrested on a warrant.
Christopher Nelson, 25, 14 Dane St., Everett, was arrested for possession of a Class D drug with intent to distribute.
Steven Smith, 54, 15 Staples Ave., Everett, was arrested for domestic assault and battery and unarmed robbery.
Thursday, March 27
Fritz Lexi, 53, 40B Memorial Rd., Somerville, was arrested for domestic assault and battery and threatening to commit a crime.
David Righini, 29, 28 Chatham Rd., Everett, was arrested for domestic assault and battery.
Friday, March 28
Kayla Heyward, 22, 6 Ash St., Woburn, was arrested for operating under the influence of liquor; leaving the scene of property damage and leaving the scene of personal injury.
Saturday, March 29,
Samuel Bonilla, 23, 79 Maverick St., Chelsea, was arrested for being a disorderly person; threatening to commit a crime and resisting arrest.
Ismael Reyes-Munoz, 35, 72 Trevalley Rd., Revere, was arrested for unlicensed operating of a motor vehicle; failure to stop for mechanical signal and on a warrant.
Sunday, March 30
Shawn DiBartholomeo, 25, 102 Newbury St., Danvers, was arrested for operating with a suspended license; miscellaneous motor vehicle equipment violations and failure to wear a seat belt.
Monday, March 31
Daniel Joseph, 19, 105 Cottage St., Everett, was arrested for possession of a firearm without a firearm identification and possession of a Class D drug with intent to distribute.