Sophomore and junior members of Everett High School’s Allied Health Academy (AHA) visited the Body World Vital Exhibit at Faneuil Hall Marketplace in Boston for an educational field trip that directly relates to the AHA’s curriculum and mission.
The exhibit is comprised of an arrangement of 15 whole body plastinates, including a baseball player, a hockey player and a singer. About 200 individual human specimens are displayed, including organ and arterial configurations and translucent slices that give a complete picture of how the human body functions. The exhibit also features authentic human bodies that are preserved through the process of plastination. With this process, it shows the body in health, distress and disease. This exhibit showed students the consequences to unhealthy behaviors such as smoking cigarettes and marijuana, eating unhealthy foods and living a sedentary lifestyle.
The Everett High School Allied Health Academy prepares and motivates students to pursue further education towards a career in the medical sciences through a rigorous specialized curriculum and community based partnerships, inspiring students to become lifelong learners and serve society with compassion, skill and vision.