The Everett Board of Aldermen and Common Council met in Joint Convention and then each met separately on Monday night – 15 minutes apart – to adopt zoning amendments to the Everett Zoning Ordinance, that will allow the zoning code to conform with the new form of government, which takes power the first week of January 2014.
In each case the city’s outgoing legislative bodies voted in favor of adopting the new zoning, which had been recommended by the Charter Transition Committee, in an effort to make sure that city by-laws would continue to be lawful and appropriate to the governance of Everett.
In all 16 changes were made to the wording or language in the zoning ordinance, in order to properly identify boards, and departments that officially begin their duties in January.
Following Monday night’s Joint Convention – the final Joint Convention in the city’s history – and separate special meetings of the two boards, the Common Council convened the final regular meeting of the Common Council in Everett political history.
The Council considered 16 separate items on its agenda, with no controversy or lengthy debate. The entire meeting lasted just over an hour and ten minutes.
The Council did approve a $94,287 transfer from the Budgetary Fund Balance, also known as Free Cash, to the Comp General Liability Account, to ensure that the city has ample funds to deal with any claims against that account.
The council also voted to accept donations to the Veterans Services department totaling $20, the Office of Human Services Emergency Services Program totaling $160 and $11,000 to the Office of Human Services Elder Services Program.