More than $135,000 in scholarships were awarded to 121 Everett High School students at the end of the school year in the Frederick F. Foresteire Center for the Performing Arts.
We want to thank the individuals, organizations, and corporations who gave the money to fund these scholarships. With the cost of higher education getting beyond the financial reach of many students (except by taking out huge student loans), these scholarship dollars will certainly make a difference.
However, not to be lost in the shuffle is the fact of the high quality of education that students receive in the Everett public school system. Of the 451 graduating seniors, 81% will be attending more than 70 different institutions of higher learning. There were 57 members of the Class of 2013 who were inducted into the National Honor Society.
A solid school system is the basis for a good community and our nation’s democracy. We congratulate Superintendent of Schools Fred Foresteire and his staff of administrators and teachers who instill in their students the drive to excel and continue their educational learning.
There is the saying that, “Everett’s Schools are Everett’s Pride,” and we agree.