Mayor Carlo DeMaria is pleased to announce that the unveiling for the newly renovated Shapiro Park will be held on Thursday, July 25th at 4:30PM. All residents are invited to attend and help re-open the Alpine and Silver Road neighborhood playground. Families and friends are encouraged to join the celebration – to see and test out the new play area and enjoy some ice cream!
Construction on Shapiro Park began this past April, with funding providing by the Mayor’s FY13 Capital Improvement Plan and with $78,000 of grant money from the federal Community Development Block Grant Program.
Updates to the park included the removal of all sand, now replaced with ADA compliant surface material, as well updates to Tot Lot equipment, swings, benches, trash receptacles, and landscaping.
“Renovation of this park has been long overdue,” states Mayor DeMaria, “the neighbors in the area, especially the children, deserve a clean, safe, play to relax and play. I hope everyone will join us on the 25th for the grand re-opening.”