A total of 66 employees of the Everett schools or city government made more than $100,000 last year, according to a list of the top 100 earners on the Everett payroll, which was provided to the Independent by the city Treasurer’s Office last week.
The top paid employee on the list was Everett Superintendent Frederick Foresteire at $164,870.65, rounding out the top 100 was Everett Mayor Carlo DeMaria who earned a paltry $89,100.24 by comparison. In between were 40 police officers, 26 firefighters and 32 school employees, including teachers and administrators.
The majority of police officers on the list can thank overtime and details for their generous pay, and firefighters also earn detail and overtime pay, which can inflate the actual gross pay the record.
On the School Department side, several school administrators are listed as teachers, even though they currently fill other roles within the department. In addition, each of the assistant superintendent’s earn salaries of more than $140,000 as well.
The list of top ten paid employees includes Foresteire, Fire Chief David Butler, Police Chief Steven Mazzie, Deputy Fire Chief William Humphries, Assistant Superintendent Thomas Stella, Police Captain Robert Bontempo, Assistant Superintendent Charles Obremski, Police Captain Richard Basteri, Police Captain Patrick McAdam and former Everett High School Principal Louis Baldi, who retired in December.
The next ten employees includes three more police employees, four firefighters and the current school curriculum director, high school principal and the recently retired high school assistant principal.
The complete list of he top 100 is included.