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Lower Broadway Community Visioning Meeting Set for June 26th

Mayor Carlo DeMaria Jr. is inviting all businesses, residents and community groups to a community wide, public open house entitled “Envisioning Everett Together: Planning for Pride, Progress, and Possibilities.”  The meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 26th, from 6:00PM to 8:00 PM at the Edward G. Connolly Center, 90 Chelsea Street.  All are welcome to attend and share thoughts and ideas on the future of Everett, and how we can work together to continue to improve the City.

While the intent of the meeting is to obtain community-wide input on the future of the City, a major portion of the discussion will focus on the re-development of the Lower Broadway area. The Mayor recognizes the importance of and the potential for new growth along the city’s southernmost border.  The Lower Broadway area, which is home to the city’s heavy industry, commercial and residential properties, is also the city’s most congested area for vehicle traffic, sitting directly on the Boston border.

The most important aspect of the visioning meeting is the participation all residents and community groups. Envisioning Everett Together is designed to give residents a chance to share their thoughts about the present and future of Everett in an informal, comfortable setting.  The Community Vision will take into account the needs and desires of all Everett residents, and will lay the groundwork for a future Everett Master Plan.

Envisioning Everett Together is being conducted by a partnership between Sasaki Associates (with GLC Development), the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), and the City’s Department of Planning and Development.  Charged with overseeing the master planning process for the Lower Broadway neighborhood, Sasaki Associates will provide the city a team of professionals with expertise in real estate market analysis, urban planning and design, architecture and landscape architecture, transportation planning and waterfront engineering.  The MAPC will be working closely with established community organizations in Everett to ensure that all residents have an opportunity to participate, and will ultimately formulate the community-wide vision as the outcome of this process. These teams will interact with residents, businesses and City Government officials to build a clear vision of potential uses that incorporate ideas and suggestions from the community.

The June 26th meeting is the second in a series of meetings designed to obtain community input on the future of Everett.  Those who cannot attend are welcome to submit comments in writing to the Department of Planning and Development. If special listening or visual accommodations are needed, please contact:

James Errickson, Executive Director

Department of Planning and Development

City Hall, Room 25

email: james.errickson@ci.everett.ma.us

Phone: 617-394-2245

Independent Staff:
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