The Everett Common Council meeting Monday night at city hall produced no hits, no runs and no errors. It was a quick meeting as meetings go, with several items discussed and none at length.
The hot-button topic was that of the ever-increasing student population. A committee is in the process of being set up to work with the school department on trying to help find answers to the student enrollment issues. The committee is a response to a recent request from school officials for $1.5 million.
“We’re working on drafting the ordinance,” said the mayor’s chief of staff Melissa Murphy. “I think this will work. You’ll have a full vision of everything,” she added. The new committee will monitor budgets, enrollment activity, and focus on figuring out how to be more financially savvy about handling the spike in the student population. The resolution was referred to the mayor’s office.
Another resolution that was referred back to the mayor’s office came from Councilor Michael McLaughlin and Alderman Michael Mangan. They want the mayor to consider installing a Bocce Court Complex in the new seven-acre park in order to increase usage and activity at the recreational facility. “We’ve talked about some improvements,” said McLaughlin.
An additional improvement discussed was resolution 12, which states that all ordinances should be posted online so that the public can participate before an issue is voted on. “When we work on ordinances, people don’t know about them until they’re finished,” said Councilor Rosa DiFlorio, who encourages Everett residents to participate in weekly meetings. The resolution was referred to the mayor’s office with an anticipated response slated for one month.
To further community involvement, a resolution promoting that ramps be installed at the crosswalks at Ferry Street and Walnut Street was discussed by Councilors Wayne Matewsky and Leo McKinnon. The ramps would benefit handicapped and senior citizens in Everett. More community improvements will be discussed at next week’s meeting.