Allegations that an Everett custodian may have committed a sexual assault against a first grader at the Keverian School remains a hot topic for discussion in this city where so many parents of Keverian students have been left to wonder about their childrens’ safety.
Those allegations are being investigated by the Child Abuse Unit of District Attorney Gerard T. Leone’s office.
The DA will make every effort to ascertain exactly what happened by being thorough and is apparently conducting this investigation so a charge can go forward or for the charge to be entirely dropped.
Right now, the DA’s office is conducting interviews with a variety of people whose proximity to the first grader gives them a special vantage point- and this is what the DA is concerned about right now – getting to the bottom of the case.
In the meantime, parents with children at the Keverian School can be comforted in the knowledge that the School Department has taken precautions by removing the two custodians allegedly involved in the case.
They remain on administrative leave with pay pending the outcome of the DA’s investigation.
We urge everyone involved in this case to be honest and forthright when answering questions put before them by investigators.
The allegations by themselves are extremely serious.
Far more destructive is the potential harm caused to the first grader by the actions of either of the custodians.
And there is the possibility that the custodians are innocent of the charges allegedly leveled against them which again gives rise to the understanding that much is at risk for them and their reputations so the investigation has to be flawless.
If either one of the custodians is guilty, then he must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law so that incidents like this do not happen again.