Another great year has come to a close for the graduating seniors of Everett High School.
The graduation of the Class of 2011 is the ultimate conclusion, a moment in time in their lives they will always remember fondly.
Now the graduates enter the real world at a time when the world is changing so fast it is almost impossible for all of us to keep pace with those changes.
It is, in many ways, a brave new world these graduates are entering.
The economy remains spotty as a result of the recession. The graduates who are not going on to college or into the armed forces will find that jobs are scarce and that good jobs with security and a future are almost impossible to find.
For those going on with their educations at universities and colleges across the land, there are also questions about how useful their educations will be. But there is no question about the value of a college education.
Everett’s 2011 graduates are heading largely to college or to community college. The vast majority of graduating seniors will be studying next year.
Some will be going to fine schools and Ivy League schools. Some will attend second tier universities and colleges but mostly, everyone will be furthering their educations in one way or another.
These graduating seniors are among the hippest to ever go out into life.
They know more about the modern world than most of us and they have come to terms with it, each of them, in their own way.
Now it is time to grow, time to learn, time to cast ones fate to the wind in the hope of developing into whatever it is they want to be.
The world may have changed but this remains America, the land of opportunity where everyone goes for his or her moment under the sun.
We wish the 2011 EHS graduating seniors all the best as they begin their personal journeys.
The unfolding story of their lives will take them to new places, to new situations, to moments when they must finally make their own decisions about their lives.
They are leaving the safety and the security of EHS where they have come of age.
The rest is now up to each and every one of the graduates.
Good luck one and all.
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