The Board of Aldermen gave permission to Library Directory Deborah Abraham to seek several state grants for new construction at the Shute Library at their Monday night meeting.
Abraham reported that the $3.8 million addition would be funded by several state grants for at least $2.5 million. She also noted that the $1.3 million that would also be needed could be partially raised with a capital fund drive and the remainder from the City. The Aldermen expressed concern with the financial exposure for the taxpayers of any additional expenditures at this time.
“This is a modest addition and would mirror the one on the right of the library now,” Abraham said. She noted that the library has seen increased activity from both Everett students as well as residents especially the elderly who live in the neighborhood. The new addition would be at almost street level and be easier to enter without the need to climb the long flight of stairs that presently exist. (See items 2 and 3.)
Other actions before the Aldermen were as follows:
Communications From His Honor The Mayor
1. A0109-11 Order/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese, as President
To accept the donation of $50.00 from Tigar Refrigeration Co., Inc. to the Everett Police Department Donation Account.
Passed sent down for concurrence, and letter of thanks be sent.
2. A0110-11 Order/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese, as President
Authorizing the Board of Library Trustees to apply for any State Funds that might be available to defray all or some of the cost of the design, construction and equipping of the Shute Library project, and authorizing the Board of Library Trustees to accept and expend such State funds when received without further appropriation.
Passed sent down for concurrence
3. A0111-11 Order/s/Alderman Michael K. Marchese, as President
To approve the preliminary design for the renovation and expansion of the Shute Memorial Library contingent on the receipt of a State grant.