Monday, March 15
Fabio Oliveira, 28, 9 Calhoun Ave., Everett, was arrested for domestic assault and battery.
Tuesday, March 16
William Mendez, 23, 84 Marlboro St., Chelsea, was arrested for operation of motor vehicle unlicensed, failure to wear seat belt.
Joseph Reed, 37, 86 Rosewood Dr., Stoughton, was arrested on a warrant.
Wednesday, March 17
Jamal Brisbon, 17, 126 Fremont Ave., Everett, was arrested for violation of school safety zones.
Justin Brisbon, 17, 126 Fremont Ave., Everett, was arrested for violation of school safety zones and resisting arrest.
James Hook, 42, 15 Parker Rd., Arlington, was arrested for larceny, larceny of property over $250.
Eddy Rivera, 38, 316 Prospect St., Cambridge, was arrested for shoplifting.
Thursday, March 18
Joseph James, 47, 59 W. Eagle St., East Boston, was arrested on a warrant.
Ramon Santiago, 29, 27 Lincoln St., Lynn, was arrested for distribution of Class B, possession with intent to distribute near school zone.
John Smith, 46, 381 Ferry St., Everett, was arrested for domestic abuse, and on a warrant.
Friday, March 19
Toney James, 39, 711 Broadway, Everett, was arrested for domestic assault and battery.
Kevin O’Brien, 52, 10 Wall St., Everett, was arrested for domestic abuse, (2nd offense).
Diego Viana, 24, 30 Rich St., Everett, was arrested for operation of motor vehicle unlicensed, speeding.
Saturday, March 21
Guillermo Flores, 38, 199 Bow St., Everett, was arrested for domestic assault and battery, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.