A high school graduation is a singular event in the life of every community, where almost everybody knows one of the graduates or their families. All of us share the happiness and sense of achievement of our young people who will be receiving their diplomas. And for all of us, a high school graduation brings back our own fond memories from our long-gone youth.
For the graduates themselves, their high school graduation marks both an end and a beginning. They no longer are children, either in the eyes of the law or in reality. They are full-fledged adults who will be leaving the sheltered harbor of their families and communities and setting sail on a journey that none of them will be able to anticipate, but which will be full of surprises, both good and otherwise.
Yes, graduation is a bittersweet time, both for the grads and their family members.
For the parents who will be watching their sons and daughters step to the podium when their name is called, no doubt they will be thinking of how fast time has gone by since they first brought their child by the hand to preschool and kindergarten.
Such moments bring to mind the sentiments expressed in the lyrics of the song, Sunrise, Sunset, from the musical Fiddler on the Roof:
Is this the little girl I carried
Is this the little boy at play?
I don’t remember growing older
When did they?
When did she get to be a beauty
When did he grow to be so tall?
Wasn’t it yesterday when they were small?
We congratulate the Class of 2023 for all of the accomplishments that have earned them the right to step onto that podium to receive their diplomas.
We know we join with all of the members of our community in wishing them blue skies and sunny days, both on their Graduation Day and in the years ahead.