Special to the Independent
Mayor Carlo DeMaria recently welcomed Bootstrap Compost to their new location on Broadway. Since opening, Bootstrap Compost now offers a pilot program for Everett residents to provide premium curbside composting services at a discounted price. Their new rate is a weekly clean bucket service for the low price of $6 per week or $8 biweekly (a nearly 50% price reduction from the standard rate).
This program was created to increase the accessibility of composting services to the whole community. “Today, as our landfills are filling up, almost half of the material going into them is made up of food waste,” remarks Mayor DeMaria. “By converting food waste into compost, we are dramatically reducing landfill costs, reducing methane (the most potent greenhouse gas), and creating clean organic soil, which can be used to restore our vacant lots, waterfront, and wetlands, transforming historically degraded land from past industrial pollution into clean and healthy growing spaces.”
This is why Bootstrap has decided to go all-in on investing in food waste infrastructure in the city they call home. Bootstrap is committed to ensuring Everett’s food scraps will be composted in facilities nearby, with a future goal of adding new processing capacity in the city. The premium compost these processes produce will then be distributed back to customers, free of charge, and to local urban farms, thus closing the loop of the local food cycle in Everett and strengthening soils used for local agriculture.
Bootstrap’s commitment to serving the community goes beyond just waste hauling. Educating the community on the importance and benefits of composting and how residents can do their part to join the effort is crucial to the program’s success. To that end, Bootstrap will participate in several local events in 2023 in partnership with organizations such as Everett Public Library and local non-profits like Everett Community Growers. Everett residents are encouraged to come to these events, meet with members of Team Boot, and learn about what they can do to contribute to the sustainable future of Everett. The dates and times are to be determined.
All Everett residents can sign up for Bootstrap’s services at the new reduced rate at https://accounts.bootstrapcompost.com/create-account/. Residents will automatically access the Everett-only rate when they enter an Everett street address on the sign-up form. New customers can also enter the coupon code COMPOSTCURIOUS2023 to receive their first month of service at no cost. For more on Bootstrap, its history, and its impact, visit https://bootstrapcompost.com.