Thank You, Sal DiDomenico, for Being a Tireless Supporter
To the Editor,
My name is Meghan O’Connor and I am a resident of Everett (Ward 4, Precinct 2 to be exact). My partner and I bought our home here in 2020. I am writing to thank our State Senator, Sal DiDomenico, for being a tireless supporter of the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP).
I work for Metro Housing!Boston, the state’s largest regional provider of rental housing assistance. I have seen the impact that the MRVP program makes in the lives of low- income Greater Boston residents firsthand. Unfortunately, the availability of these vouchers does not meet the scope of the need. Recent data from Massachusetts Housing Partnership states that nearly 250,000 extremely low-income households in Massachusetts spend at least half their income on rent. Metro Housing administers more than 3,000 MRVP vouchers, which provide pathways for these residents to attain and maintain stable and affordable housing.
I urge Sen. DiDomenico’s colleagues in the Senate to follow his leadership on this issue and approve the MRVP line item in the proposed FY23 budget, funding the program at the
$175 million dollar level, as well as implementing rule changes that will allow households to pay no more than 30% of their income toward their rent calculation on vouchers up to 110% of fair market rent. At this time of economic instability and skyrocketing rents, these changes will help keep our most vulnerable neighbors safely and stably housed.
I would once again like to thank Senator DiDomenico for supporting MRVP and working to make sure that every Massachusetts resident has somewhere safe to call home.
Meghan O’Connor