News in Brief

Annual Independence Day Celebration

Mayor Carlo DeMaria is pleased to announce that the City of Everett will be hosting the Annual Independence Day Celebration on Friday, July 2 at Glendale Park beginning at 6 p.m.

“The 4th of July is a special time in the City of Everett,” said Mayor DeMaria. “Our celebration will be filled with food, games, and of course fireworks. I look forward to our community gathering to celebrate our nation’s independence.”

During the celebration, there will be music, games, face painting, and more available. The City of Everett’s traditional firework display will begin at 9:30 p.m. Should the weather call for rain, fireworks will occur the following Friday, July 9, at 9:30 p.m.

Hamburgers and hot dogs will be served beginning at 6 p.m. in the park along with refreshments. Ice cream, slush, and desserts will be available following the grilled food.

Please note that Elm Street will be shut down between the police station and Russell Street. Parking is available at the Everett High School parking lot and the DCR parking lot in addition to on street parking.

Volunteers Needed

The Bread of Life mobile food pantry at the Lafayette school in Everett needs volunteers to help distribute free groceries on Thursdays from 3 to 5pm. Call Charlene @ 781-824-0564 or email [email protected] The Bread of Life mobile food pantry distributes food to needy families every Thursday from 3-5 p.m. at the Lafayette School in Everett.

Everett School Parent Info Center

The Everett Public Schools Parent Information Center (PIC) at the Keverian School will continue to be open this summer to register children in all grades for the 2021-22 school year.

The hours on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The hours on Wednesday are 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The hours on Friday are 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Appointments are suggested and can be made online at the Everett Public Schools website.

As a change this year, each student enrolled will be given a new children’s book in their native language.

Learn the Latest about Malden River Works!

Thursday, June 24, at 6:30 p.m.

During this “virtual” public meeting, the Malden River Works design team will share some of the most recent changes that have been made to the park design plan. The discussion will highlight the climate resiliency features included in the park design, in addition to some of the key environmental changes that have been made to protect existing vegetation.

Date: Thursday, June 24

Time: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Location: Zoom

Attention Everett Families!

For Kids Only Afterschool (FKO), in partnership with Mayor Carlo DeMaria and the City of Everett, has received grant funding to provide Everett children entering grades K-8 with free full-day summer programming. Eligibility for this opportunity is for children in need of additional learning and socialization as a result of limited in-person learning over this past school year or families with a demonstrated financial need.

The FKO summer program will be housed at the former Pope John XXII High School (888 Broadway, Everett) for nine weeks from June 21 through August 20. Families may choose to register their children to attend FKO’s full day program (7:30am-5:30pm) two to five days per week.

If you are interested in enrolling your child, please complete a brief financial assistance application and submit to Maria Pimentel, FKO Enrollment Specialist, at [email protected]. Scholarship funding is limited and will be given on a first-come first-served basis so we encourage you to apply ASAP.

Any questions about this opportunity, please contact FKO Deputy Director Briana Flannery at 617-777-7280 / [email protected] or FKO District Director Deniece Rodriguez at 857-201-9996 / [email protected].

This opportunity is made possible by the Summer Step Up Grant through the Department of Early Education and Care, in partnership with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the United Way of Mass Bay.

Faster Internet? Take This Survey

Please consider taking the MAPC Digital Access and Equity Survey for the Cities of Chelsea, Everett, and Revere.

Your input will help the cities plan for future investment, policy changes, and program development to improve internet access and bridge the digital divide. We encourage you to share this survey with your family and friends. All information will be held confidential and only shared in aggregate form. If you would be interested in participating in a follow up conversation or focus group please indicate where asked at the end of this survey. Link for survey:

Senior Social Set for July 14

The Celebrations do not stop! Mayor Carlo DeMaria and The Council on Aging have planned the July Senior Social, for Wednesday July 21, 2021, beginning at 11:30am at Anthony’s in Malden, 105 Canal Street. The Council on Aging has chosen a theme, Christmas in July. Our meal will feature traditional BBQ food served directly to you in Anthony’s function room. You will enjoy dancing to the song stylings of Ray Cavicchio and his orchestra.  We are excited to inform you, we can seat up to 10 people per table, with a maximum capacity of 200 people.  Tickets are available at The Connolly Center,July 6 (Everett residents only), July 8, 9, and 12th for non-Everett residents. We are looking forward to hosting our events back at The Connolly Center beginning in August. For additional information please call 617.394.2323.

Council on Aging News

Mayor Carlo DeMaria and The Council on Aging, together, have been working diligently to be able to offer programing to our senior residents to slowly open up The Connolly Center while maintaining current safety practices and protocol.  We are happy to announce our “Coffee Clutch” program.

The Connolly Center will be open Mondays and Fridays only,  beginning  Monday April 12. There will be two sessions offered to Everett Seniors, and one session offered on Friday.  Each session will allow a maximum of 24 seniors. There will be 6 tables of 4 people each for a 90 minute session. Seniors will have the opportunity to see old friends, enjoy a snack and coffee and scheduled entertainment. Safety protocols, such as mask wearing, temperature checks and social distancing are mandatory. Our staff is required to sanitize before and after each session.

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