Letters to the Editor

“E” CLUB May Dinner Cancelled

Dear “E” Club Member,

We hope this letter finds you and your family safe and healthy.

Based on the damage that the Coronavirus has inflicted on so many, our May dinner for 2020 has been cancelled. We, as an organization, are very concerned for the well-being of Everett High School Senior Scholarships winners and their families as well as our guests. This does not mean we will not be giving the Scholarship gifts; we are only cancelling the Dinner. As an organization we are currently working on the how, where and when we will honor our commitment to the program as we have over the past 48 years.

The Federal, State and City governments have placed a ban on organizations to hold large functions such as ours. Rather than wait to see what happens next, we feel that we are better off being a step ahead of the curve. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is suffering because of the pandemic.

The Officers and Board of Governors all agreed to have something at the appropriate time that will take the pressure off everyone and still make this important event for all the students. Also, the Sports and Coaches Awards will still be chosen to honor the student athlete’s as we have had in the past. These details are still being worked on and we will keep everyone as up to date as possible as we proceed with our plans.

There will be further updated information posted on our “E” Club Website: www.eclubofeverett.com. The “E” Club Face book Group and Facebook Page will also be kept up to date.

We will also keep members updated in the Everett Local News Papers and through the “E” of Everett letters.


Vincent J. Ragucci Jr. Executive Director

Carl Colson President

We must do our part

To the people of Everett,

As I sat home this morning, checking emails, watching the news and reading the newspaper, I felt discouraged that every day we endure more concerning headlines, more regulated guidelines and less certainty of when life will return to normal. I embraced this moment of normalcy, to know that I was fortunate enough to be in my home, also knowing myself and my loved ones are healthy and safe. I scanned the paper and came across the “This Day in History” Section. April 6, 1917: The United States formally enters World War I. This bloody war ravaged Europe, and cost more than 50,000 American lives. Those who fought in WWI hoped it would be the only war of its kind. Yet, just 21 years later, another deadly dispute led to worldwide bloodshed again. Many of us had grandparents or great-grandparents that fought in WWI or WWII and we’ve heard their tragic and heroic tales.

I miss my friends, my colleagues, my family and even seeing random people walking down the street. But these are the sacrifices we must make in order to see this crisis through. When our parents and grandparents were called to serve overseas, they served valiantly for their country and community. Those back home served also, doing what they could to support the efforts. That is where we find ourselves today. Called to do what we can to stop the spread of this pandemic and save lives. I ask you to trust your local leaders as well as state and federal officials, who are working tirelessly on these issues. Please, ask for help if you need it, and we will do our best.

Much like times of war, this COVID-19 pandemic has redefined normalcy. Students are home from school, others are working from home or out of work entirely, and most of us are scared of what could happen next. Just because our loved ones aren’t sick now, doesn’t mean they won’t be tomorrow.

Our healthcare workers and first responders have stepped up to the frontlines. They are our soldiers. In protecting us and protecting our way of life, they sacrifice themselves and their time with their families to save us.

Only we must do our part. Please, listen to the professionals who are telling you to stay home, and if necessary to leave the house, take extraordinary precaution. Wear a mask, carry hand sanitizer and be mindful of surfaces you touch and your proximity to others.

Limit your shopping trips, make them efficient and only take what you need.

Enjoy the outdoors and fresh air, but always be aware of keeping distant from those who are not family living in your household.

If you are sick, unemployed, disabled or for whatever reason unable to retain basic needs, please do not be afraid to ask for help. We are here to serve you.

I have lived in the City of Everett my entire life. I was born and raised here, as has most of my family, including my children. I believe in Everett, and I have chosen a career to continue believing in Everett. We will make it through this and we will be proud of our actions. I keep saying to those I speak to on the phone and Zoom, talking about when this is all over, “I’ll see you on the other side.” I mean that. When this is all over and we are humbled by the experience, we will look back from the other side and see that we have become a stronger, more united Everett.

State Rep.

Joe McGonagle  

Urgent attention to this emergency situation

Dear Editor,

(The following letter was delivered to Gov. Charlie Baker by several elected officials on April 2, including Councilor Mike McLaughlin)

As state and municipal officials, we thank you for responding to our letters from last week by issuing an order to close all non-essential businesses and advising residents of the Commonwealth to Stay at Home.

While we appreciate the steps you have taken to help limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, we believe more aggressive action is urgently needed to further reduce the potential for transmission of COVID-19. Therefore, we call on you to take the following steps by the end of day, Friday, April 3, 2020.

 Shut down all non-essential construction. While we recognize some construction work is truly essential, such as emergency repairs to public infrastructure or work that is needed to stand up new facilities to address the COVID-19 pandemic, the current guidance continues to deem far too many construction projects as essential. Moreover, the current “COVID-19 Employee Health, protection, guidance and prevention” guidelines indicate that in many circumstances, construction workers “shall be supplied PPE including as appropriate a standard face mask, gloves, and eye protection.” In this time where our healthcare professionals are being asked to ration the limited supply of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), the need to shutdown non-essential construction should be obvious.

 Look for additional ways to narrow the “COVID-19 Essential Services” list. We understand the state’s Essential Services list has been largely influenced by federal guidelines, but we in Massachusetts ought to be even more aggressive in taking steps to limit the spread of COVID-19. The Commonwealth has established a formal process for businesses not covered under the “COVID-19 Essential Services” list to make an Essential Service Designation Request via an online form and dedicated email account. So, to be evenhanded, we suggest that you establish a similar process for workers or members of the general public to formally request that a particular job or service be removed from the Essential Services list.

 Take stronger action to promote Physical Distancing. While most residents of the Commonwealth appear to be following the Stay at Home advisory, the fact remains that even more can be done to limit the spread of COVID-19. Other states have been significantly more aggressive in limiting public assemblages, and just yesterday, the Editorial Board of the Boston Globe called on you to be “more forceful” in sending the message that residents must obey bans on public gatherings. Pursuant to your power under the Massachusetts Civil Defense Act, we call on you to issue a stronger Stay at Home Order while continuing to allow residents to procure the essentials, seek health care, or take a walk, etc.  

In conclusion, recent polling shows that over 90% of the public supports your decisions to close non-essential businesses, schools, bars, and dine-in restaurants. The suggests that we can be even more aggressive in our efforts to limit the spread of the virus. At least until we experience the first peak of the COVID-19 disease in Massachusetts — and at least until we are able to deploy widespread testing and provide our healthcare professionals, first responders, and frontline workers with adequate supplies of PPE — we ask that you take even more aggressive action as outlined above to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and “flatten the curve.”

We thank you for your urgent attention to this emergency situation and look forward to continuing to work in partnership with you as we do everything possible to maintain the capacity of our healthcare system and prevent loss of life in the days and weeks ahead.

Michael J. McLaughlinEverett City Councilor

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