The crowds were enormous on Monday night, Jan. 6, as residents packed the Council Chambers at City Hall to usher in the new, most diverse Council ever in City history.
It was standing room only for the ceremony that welcomed three new councilors and a host of returning incumbents, who will be led in 2020 by new Council President Rosa DiFlorio – who is also the dean of the Council.
As the Everett High String Orchestra played several medleys, crowds began to gather in the Chambers more than 30 minutes ahead of the 6 p.m. ceremony. Many in the audience were there to see the swearing in of new Councilors Gerly Adrien, Stephanie Martins and Jimmy Tri Le. They represented a major influx of new, and diverse, leadership on the body – joining a Council that had already begun to forge its own path in City Hall during the latter part of the year.
The new councilors were joined by returning councilors Fred Capone, Anthony DiPierro, DiFlorio, Michael McLaughlin, John Hanlon, Michael Marchese, Wayne Matewksy and Peter Napolitano. There was great celebration of the event, and it was followed by Mayor Carlo DeMaria (top left), who gave a detailed Midterm Address on his initiatives and visions for Everett in 2020 and beyond.
City Clerk Sergio Cornelio welcomed everyone to the Chambers and conducted the ceremony – which took about 45 minutes to complete.
State Sen. Sal DiDomenico and State Rep. Joe McGonagle spoke to the Council and both called on the Council to forge a unity within the city. Unity has been unraveling as of late in the Council Chambers between some of the members and the administration. It is believed the new Council will be even more independent in its posture towards the administration, but that is yet to be seen.
DiDomenico said he hopes that everyone will work together locally and in the state delegation.
“We cannot succeed unless we’re working together,” he said. “We need each other. Your friends on Beacon Hill – Joe McGonagle and I – stand with you. I understand and know how much you care about this community. Unity should be the theme of tonight’s proceedings. We have something special going on in Everett. Everett’s on the move and has been for some time. We have worked as a team. Our residents come first and our ego is in the background…I have no doubt the Council and School Committee, with the state delegation, will work as one.”
Later, the Council took up a vote for its leadership in the new session.
Though there had been some behind the scenes wrangling for Council President, it was Ward 5 Councilor Rosa DiFlorio that prevailed with a 10-0 vote of her colleagues.
Councilor Adrien voted ‘present’ on the matter.
DiFlorio had been nominated by Councilors Anthony DiPierro and John Hanlon.
DiFlorio chose Hanlon, Stephanie Martins and Jimmy Tri Le as the Council Messengers.
Clerk of Committees John Burley was re-appointed in an 11-0 vote as well.
“I hope we can all get along and make the right decisions,” said DiFlorio before adjourning the meeting.
The Council will next meet on Jan. 13.