On Aug. 21, Mayor Carlo DeMaria wrote to the Department of Waterways Regulation Program in support of the Mystic River Pedestrian Bridge.
Mayor DeMaria stated, “The construction of the Mystic River Pedestrian Bridge is truly a top priority for the City of Everett, one that the City is counting on to provide additional mobility to support development on Lower Broadway as well as complete the bicycle and pedestrian network to the North Shore. We believe that any environmental impacts related to the construction of the bridge are outweighed, by an order of magnitude, by the positive effects of creating a new transit, bicycle and pedestrian connection to the City of Everett.”
On Aug. 15, the Everett Conservation Commission approved the order of conditions for the Mystic River Bridge to continue to move forward. Mayor DeMaria informed the Department of Waterways that the City of Everett is working “diligently to not only construct a new head house expansion at the Orange Line station at Assembly Row, but also complete the Northern Strand Bike Path. Each of these projects is critical to maximizing the connectivity of the Mystic River Bridge, and the City is moving forward at full speed to complete them both in anticipation of the new bridge.”
He added, “The construction of a new head house passenger terminal, the completion of the Northern Strand Bike Path extension and the pedestrian bridge, are all part of the larger vision that highlights our spectacular riverfront and improves public access to the water and to the T for the first time in generations.”