Mayor Carlo DeMaria and the Office of the Parking Clerk would like to notify residents to obtain their residential parking stickers.
Vehicle owners must visit the website and submit an online application in order to receive their stickers. Please make sure any prior parking violations and excise tax must be fully paid prior to submitting an application. Once the online application is complete, stickers will then be mailed directly to the resident. A link to the parking sticker website will also be available on the City’s official website, as well as the City’s Facebook Page.
As a courtesy, stickers may still be obtained for FREE until February 28th. Then, beginning March 1st, the $10, per sticker, fee will once again be reinstated.
Residents may apply for up to 4 stickers per online application. Information required to complete the application include name, address (include floor number and apartment number, if applies), license plate number, the name that appears on the registration, email and phone number. Please make sure any prior parking violations and excise tax must be fully paid prior to submitting an application. Once a resident has successfully submitted an application, they will receive an email notification of the order. Upon verification of their information, the resident will then receive an additional email as confirmation that the order has been successfully processed. The parking sticker will then be mailed to the resident.
To assist residents with the process, the Mayor’s Office of Constituent Services will be available to help navigate the online application.
The process for obtaining visitor placards will remain the same. Anyone wishing to request a visitor placard must do so in person at the Parking Clerk’s Office at City Hall. Visitor placards are required for any visitors of Everett residents who wish to park overnight on the streets of Everett. Visitor placards cost $5 for a one-night pass, $10 for a 7-day pass, $15 for a 14-day pass, $20 for a 21-day pass and $25 for a 30-day pass.
In order to obtain a visitor placard a resident must show proof of residency. Residency can be established with a MA driver’s license, utility bill or lease. The license plate number of the visitor’s vehicle must be provided at time of request. The visitor placard shall be displayed on the driver’s side of the dashboard, clearly visible through the windshield. For questions regarding the residential parking sticker program or the online application, please contact Everett 311 or the Mayor’s Office of Constituent Service’s at 617-394-2270.