Everett first and only female firefighter, Susan Pipitone-Braley, passed away last week after a bout with cancer

Members of the Everett Fire Department paid their respects to Everett’s only female firefighter, Susan Pipitone-Braley on Saturday, Aug. 4, as the hearse passed by. Pipitone-Braley came on the Department in 1993 and was a skilled driver for Engine 1. She died of occupation cancer and was listed as a line-of-duty death. Her death was another reminder of the dangers of occupational cancer in the fire service, an issue that Gov. Charlie Baker and the State Legislature recently addressed with a new law offering more protections.
brought on due to exposure to toxic materials during her 25-year stint with the Everett Fire Department.
City leaders, Fire Department personnel, Police personnel and firefighters from all over the region came to pay their respects at Rocco Funeral Home on Friday and Saturday to the best Engine 1 driver on the job over many years.
A complete contingent in full- dress uniform accompanied the hearse to Woodlawn Cemetery for an official pass through under the hoisted American flag on Saturday morning.
Pipitone-Braley came on the job in 1993, a pioneer for women before there were pioneers. Her fellow brother firefighters said she relished the fact that she was the first female firefighter.
Pipitone-Braley was a driver for Engine 1 for so many years, and her work ethic was very strong.
“She was the driver when I was captain of Engine 1,” said Chief Tony Carli. “She brought a lot to the job, especially reminding us she was the first female firefighter in Everett. That was something she took a lot of pride inÉTo have her be the only one after all these years. We’ve had others apply, but never go through the whole process. It’s amazing thinking back to 1993 she was able to do this. I think that’s quite inspiring. She worked in Fire Prevention at one point and she would go to the schools to talk to the kids. I’m sure young girls saw