Throughout my life I have never felt better than when I committed myself to eating a balanced diet. It is truly amazing how much better you feel when you know you are building a better body through proper diet and exercise.
That is why I am very excited about the City of Everett’s new chef for the Healthy Meals Program for members of the Community Health and Wellness Center located at 29 Maple Ave.
Today in Everett, approximately 47% of our children are overweight or obese, a rate amongst the highest in the state. Additionally, a study completed by the Cambridge Health Alliance indicated that the majority of adult residents are either overweight or obese, or at risk. This public health problem jeopardizes the quality of life for our residents and is of great concern to me personally. I am so proud that our local government is taking a leadership role nationally in offering residents the tools to improve their health and in particular, the Healthy Meals program allows members to buy healthy precooked meals at an affordable price.
The Healthy Meals program focuses on three major tenants of proper nutrition: portion control, nutrient timing and macro-balanced dieting.
At a cost of $80.00 per week, you select the quantity of each meal per week from healthy menu options. The City of Everett will provide you with 9 prepared meals for pick up every Tuesday and Thursday at the Everett Community Health and Wellness Center.
Then you simply heat and eat a healthy meal in as little as 5 minutes.
The meal package includes 3 meals a day for 6 days and includes an approved snack list to eat between meals and support from our Registered Dietitian for any questions or guidance.
Wellness Center members can pick up meal order forms at the Wellness Center. Payment for meals can be made either in the Collector’s office or at the Wellness Center with debit or credit card. Please note that cash payments can only be made at the Collector’s office.
If you own a business or work in the City of Everett, you can become a member of the Wellness Center at $15.00 a month per individual or immediate family or you may also pay a one-time annual fee of $150.00. The fee includes all classes and seminars. The Center, which opened on April 16, 2015, incorporates a Fitness and Nutrition Center, the Recreation Department, and the Energize Everett initiative (which works locally to increase opportunities for Everett residents to eat healthy and be active in the places they live, learn, work, and play). The Wellness Center is quickly becoming a major asset to our community. Employees, residents and others invested in Everett, now have access to a state of the art Fitness Center for an affordable cost. Furthermore, the facility progressively offers classes, nutrition consultation and now, a meal program to enhance your personal health and wellness goals.
I urge you to take advantage of the Health and Wellness Center.
Best wishes for a healthy 2017!