Mayor Carlo DeMaria and the City of Everett would like to invite all Everett residents to Everett Works: A Labor Trade Fair. Everett Works is an initiative of Mayor DeMaria to connect Everett residents with trade careers that will work on future economic developments in the City, specifically Wynn Everett.
The fair will take place on Wednesday, April 8th from 3:00-8:00PM in the Everett High School Cafeteria, 100 Elm Street. It is open to all residents who wish to gather more information on beginning a trade career, joining a labor union and getting the opportunity to work on the construction phase of the historic Wynn Everett project. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from and speak with current trade apprentices about their personal career experiences.
Information on permeant jobs and hospitality careers at the facility will also be available.
Trades that will be represented include the Carpenters Union and the members of Boston Metropolitan District Building Trades Council, which represents dozens of affiliated local trade unions and thousands of working families in Greater Boston area.
In addition to the Trade Information tables, there will also be a short speaking program by Mayor DeMaria, Wynn representatives, and experienced leaders in the trades industries. Light refreshments will be served.
For more information contact the Mayor’s Office at 617-394-2270.