The Everett City Services Department began the week, once again, digging out from a snowstorm that dumped more than 12-inches of snow on the Greater Boston region over the weekend.
The latest snowfall, estimated at about 14-inches for our area, brings the seasonal total to more than 90-inches of snow, all since January 23, making this the third snowiest winter since the National Weather Service began keeping records for Boston.
At the helm of these snow removal operations have been Jerry Navarra and Kevin Noonan of the City Services Department.
Former City Services Director Jay Marcotte resigned in early December and the city is currently looking for his replacement. However, the department has continued to operate smoothly despite the lack of a department head at this time.
According to Communications Director Allyson DellIsola, Sixty pieces of snow removal equipment, both City-owned and contracted vehicles, are in circulation this winter. Dozens of crews, are working coordinated split-shifts, utilizing the plows, sanders, bobcat front end loaders, and sidewalk plows to ensure the safety of the City’s main arteries, side streets and sidewalks.
“During this period of unprecedented weather, the City is working day and night to move and clear snow from streets,” said Mayor Carlo DeMaria in a statement, “It is an arduous task and will take time and patience. I want to thank residents for their cooperation and hard work this winter. Throughout the City I have seen residents helping each other by shoveling out elderly neighbors and fire hydrants. And of course I also want to thank our DPW crews for their unyielding effort to keep our roads as clear and safe as possible. Their job is not easy and they deserve recognition for a tireless, and often thankless, job.”
According to DellIsola, Police, Fire, Emergency 911, Parking Enforcement and Code Enforcement departments all continue to work alongside DPW during the snow storms.
The Everett Police and Parking Enforcement have been responsible for informing residents of snow emergencies and in removing vehicles not in compliance with regulations, so that plow crews can properly clean neighborhoods and streets.
The Everett Fire Department has continued to battle snow mounds and uncover fire hydrants across the city, and in conjunction with E911 has responded to many reports of roof issues and emergencies.
Code Enforcement inspectors have worked during and more importantly the storms, doing their best to assure that people do not dump snow back into the cleaned streets or save parking spots with household objects, both which are prohibited by City Ordinance.
With more snow predicted in the upcoming weeks, Mayor DeMaria, through the Metro Mayors’ Association, has been participating in conversations with State government to portray our needs for assistance.
“Unfortunately, we still have a lot of winter left to go,” states Mayor DeMaria, “the best way to get through it is to continue to work cooperatively as a community and remember that we are all in this together. I ask for residents to remain patient and to follow snow regulations both during and after storms.”