Categories: Editorials

Mayor DeMaria to open Everett Community Fitness Center

Since first taking office in 2009, Mayor DeMaria has remained committed to bringing more health and wellness opportunities and education to the City of Everett and its residents. Under his leadership the Energize Everett, Recreation, and Human Services Departments have all been continually expanding to incorporate more classes and initiatives focusing on both fitness and proper nutrition.

Beginning in December, the Mayor is happy to announce that the City will be opening the Everett Community Fitness Center.  The Center will be housed at the Field House of the Old Everett High School, and will be a full service fitness center serving the residents of Everett. It will provide a safe, quality environment for all ages and fitness levels.  The Center will be led by Fitzroy Bramble, a certified fitness trainer, former professional, drug-free bodybuilder, and industry professional with over 20 years experience.

“My goal is to offer a place where residents can achieve their fitness goals, right in their own neighborhood for a modest cost,” states Mayor DeMaria, “Everyone should be able to achieve their fitness and nutrition goals.  High-priced gyms and trainers are not a realistic possibility for a lot of people.  This Community Fitness Center will provide a legitimate place to work out and get educated.”

Currently, the Community Fitness Center will offer fitness assessments, strength training, aerobics, Zumba, CrossFit, Fitness Boot Camps, Yoga, Circuit Training, and Nutritional Counseling, all for the low annual membership cost of $25.00.  The hours of operation will be Monday through Friday from 5:00am – 9:00am, 12:00pm – 2:00pm, and 4:00pm – 8:00pm, with additional hours on Saturday from 7:00am to 1:00pm.

The Center is set to open in the month of December once all equipment is place and programming is finalized.  For updated information on the Everett Community Fitness Center be sure to check its Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/EverettFitness.

Independent Staff:
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