As the Race for Middlesex District Attorney heats up former Mayor and current Clerk of Courts Michael A. Sullivan receives key endorsements from elected officials including Congressman Michael Capuano, Senator Sal DiDomenico. The Democratic Primary will be help on Tuesday September, 9th.
Along with being a dedicated public servant Michael is a former Assistant District Attorney, and Assistant Attorney General under former Middlesex DA, and Attorney General Scott Harshbarger. “I will be supporting Michael Sullivan in the Middlesex DA race. Michael was an excellent ADA and AAG, has done a very good job as clerk. Previously as Cambridge mayor, and is a really good person and a good and loyal friend, with a broad vision of the DA office and its potential to lead the community-wide effort to protect the public, reduce violence, prevent crime, build bridges, and provide leadership and advocacy for those who without us have no one.” Said Scott Harshbarger, not only has General Harshbarger endorsed Michael Sullivan but he is the chair of his campaign.
Congressman Michael Capuano Sullivan supporter said that, “I have known Michael Sullivan for years and have seen how hard he works to represent the best interests of his constituents. Michael truly is a dedicated public servant.”
Senator Sal DiDomenico who has been a family friend for years says that, “Michael Sullivan has a well-deserved reputation as one of the most dedicated and experienced public servants in the state. From his prosecutorial experience as an ADA and Assistant Attorney General to his time as Mayor and City Councilor in the City of Cambridge to his current role as Middlesex County Clerk of Courts, Michael possesses a deep background and diverse skill set that will serve him well as the next District Attorney for Middlesex County.”