Mayor Carlo DeMaria is happy to report that the City of Everett is set to receive $3.75 million from the Transportation Bond Bill recently released by the Senate Committee on Bonding, State Assets, and Capital Expenditures. As a result of the join effort by both the Mayor and State Senator Sal DiDomenico, priorities in transportation were identified and sent before the Committee for approval.
The Mayor, who testified before the Committee, proposed that monies for the reconstruction of Beacham Street and a study to examine a potential commuter rail stop to be included in the bill. Senator DiDomenico was essential in promoting and discussing Everett’s needs among State leadership. “I am proud of the work Senator DiDomenico and I did in pushing for this funding,” states Mayor DeMaria, “Together we are doing great things for the City of Everett.”
Both Beacham Street and a potential commuter rail stop are important projects pertaining to commerce and economic development in Everett. The Transportation Bond Bill is scheduled to be debated by the Senate this month before being sent to the Governor for bond authorization.
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