Election Day is less than two weeks away and we urge our readers to start paying close attention to the candidates who they will be meeting as they ask for their votes on November 5.
As we have said before and it is reiterated in this week’s Letter to the Editor by Rosemary Miller, this election is an historic milestone in the Everett’s long history as we will be changing the form of government that we have known for the past 100 years.
The mayoral debate between Mayor Carlo DeMaria and Alderman Robert VanCampen will be held on November 1 and should provide valuable insights as to where these two candidates want to see Everett in the next four years.
Everett voters are fortunate to have so many good canddiates seeking office. These candidates have given up countless hours and days as they have gone from neighborhood to neighborhood meeting the voters.
We ask the voters to please ask these canddiates any questions that they have about the future of Everett and remember to get out and vote on November 5.