Categories: Editorials

Congratulations Phoenix Charter Academy

When Phoenix Charter Academy started in 2006 in the old Assumption School building on Broadway in Chelsea, there was enthusiasm, optimism, and a dream.

Almost seven years later, enthusiasm and optimism are still key components, but the dream has become reality.

The reality is the success rate where many at-risk students have been able to achieve a high school diploma.

We congratulate the staff, board of directors, and Executive Director Beth Anderson for their perseverance against the odds to make the dream a reality.

The mission statement of Phoenix is as follows:

“Phoenix Chelsea’s mission is to close the achievement gap that exists between academically underperforming adolescents and their academically successful peers.”

Today, the way some students must learn is not to be found in the parameters of a standard school classroom.  Phoenix officials have shown that everyone can learn.

Independent Staff:

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