By a 15-1 vote Monday night, the Everett Common Council confirmed the salaries for city councilors in the new government, by approving a motion that was passed last week by the Board of Aldermen.
The new council will receive a salary of $15,000, which does not include health benefits.
Councilor Catherine Tomassi Hicks was the only councilor to vote against the motion, noting in her remarks to the council, “There are a lot of people out there who don’t have jobs, and they’re wondering about raises for city officials. . . I can’t vote for this at $15,000, but if someone wants to amend it to $10,000, I’ll support that.”
However, with no motion to amend the salary to $10,000, the council took a roll call vote and approved the measure to set the salary at $15,000 annually, effective on January 1, 2014.
Voting in favor of the measure were Councilors Bruno, Cornelio, DellaIsola, DiFlorio, Jordan, King, Landry, Marcus, Mattewsky, McLaughlin, Miller, Mills, Puleo, Sarnie and Napolitano.
The January 1, 2014 date is important, because it is the date the new town government will take office, with just 11 councilors serving the city in one legislative body, instead of the current bi-cameral government, which has 18 councilors and seven aldermen.