The manager of the Restaurant Depot on Revere Beach Parkway was called before the Board of Aldermen Monday night to answer for complaints from neighbors that truckers making deliveries to his business are disturbing the peace during the overnight hours and that shoppers at the big box store are leaving trash strewn about the parking lot, which often finds its way across the parkway and into their yards.
Robert Zack, the local manager of the Everett Restaurant Depot told the Board that he has been made aware of the situations described by neighbors and Alderwoman Millie Cardello and is working with the city’s Code Enforcement department to address the issues.
In fact, according to Zack and Code Enforcement Director Frank Nuzzo, who was also on hand for the discussion, the retailer has already taken several steps to try and address the issues.
Zack told the board that he had already had new fencing and gates installed at the property to keep early arriving truck drivers from parking their rigs and keeping their refrigerated trucks running on the lot during the early night hours and said that a recent practice of opening as early as 4:30 a.m. to accept deliveries has been halted.
“We did have a couple of instances where my overnight manager dropped the ball and did not keep trucks from parking beside the property, but that won’t happen again,” said Zack.
He also told the board that he had arranged to get several quotes for a new, high fence to surround the parking lot, in the hopes that debris left behind by shoppers would not leave the property and could be collected and disposed of by store staff. He also pledged to supply larger trash receptacles for shoppers as well.
Cardello asked the board to refer the matter to the Code Enforcement department to ensure that all of the promised measures are implemented, with a report back to the board at the second meeting in October.